Monday, November 28, 2011

First Post

Who am I?

I am a university student living in the Los Angeles area.

Why blogging?

I like blogs. I read blogs. Many, many, many blogs. Now, I don't read all these blogs at once. I generally read a type of blog for a certain period of time, then stop. Some blogs I have been reading for years, others I have read for months. And others of others, just a few months, then I stop. Why do I stop? It's not that I lost interest in the subject, it's just that I don't have too much time in my day to read all that I'm interested in. Even though I don't read the blog anymore, I'm still interested in the subject.

Subjects I have interest in (via blog): 
 - makeup
 - fragrance
 - culture
 - music
 - minimalism
 - architecture
 - interior design
 - comics
 - social commentary
 - philosophy
 - psychology
 - art
 - graphics
 - finance
 - feminism
 - friends
 - ...and climbing...

I have included an example of each for all of the categories. There are more.

I discovered that I like like writing fragrance reviews via I like them so much that I am now blogging about it. Through another website, it's hard to get proper credit for one's reviews.

What will I be blogging about?

Perfume. Fragrance.

Mostly, I will be reviewing fragrances. I might add some other posts as well.

These other posts might be probably will be social commentary. I know a certain someone who has been looking forward to these...

Oh! and song(s) of the day/week/month. I know that Thom does this on Dead Air Space and I've always wanted to do it.

A special note to you, the reader(s)

Please comment. Feel free to make suggestions, ask questions, and speak your mind. As a fledgeling  blogger, I welcome all to comment.  

However, this comes with restrictions, as life comes with restrictions. 
1. Please do not sell stuff on this blog. This not a marketplace. There is a such marketplace where you may sell your wares. It's called eBay. Go there.
2. Please do not be a total arse. No one is asking you or encouraging you to unleash your catharsis on the Internet. Please do so someplace other than your basement.
3. And I just found this - please follow this

Thank you and happy reading!! 

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